Industries to Get into in 2018

Different industries rise and fall all the time, technology has a huge role to play in this, as many jobs that would have been essential in the past are now obsolete and many jobs nowadays wouldn’t even have been dreamt of 50 years ago. Nothing is certain in any industry but here are some of the predictions of what industries will continue to rise in 2018 and beyond.


As long as companies have things to sell, the advertising industry will stand strong. The industry was a little touch and go for a while as the digital revolution took hold of the world. But the industry adapted and took on its new online role. Nowadays, there are more areas of marketing before. Advertising may still be an extremely competitive field but it’s definitely one to consider.


Construction has also seen its fair share of recessions but things are looking good in 2018 for the construction industry. With the government pledging to build 1m new homes by 2020, there will be plenty of work to go around. This is predicted to increase revenue in the industry by 23% in this year alone.


It’s no surprise that the tech industry made the list, technology has got to be one of the fastest growing industries of all time, with rapid growth and innovation taking the forefront. The digital economy is said to be growing 32% faster than the economy as a whole with no signs of slowing down anytime soon. The government are also extremely invested in this industry, with £28 billion being funded into the sector since 2011.

Online Gambling

Most of the sectors mentioned in this article are heavily influenced by technology, and this last one is no exception. Online gambling has overtaken traditional gambling in the UK. It has such a broad spectrum of games, from online poker and slot machines, to sports betting. The online versions are far more appealing to people who don’t know much about gambling due to the ease of it, first-timers also find it more appealing as they do not feel judged or intimidated by their lack of knowledge or skill.

So there we have it, four industries that you should consider getting into in 2018. Many industries, especially those that can be related back to technology are set to see growth, this is due to the rapid expansion of all things technical in the modern age. Nothing in business is certain but you can make more educated decisions to help you find some sort of success, whether this be financial or job satisfaction.